Vietnam Weather in June

Vietnam weather in June

June is considered as the hottest month of the year in the whole Vietnam. Despite of this fact, it is still good to visit Vietnam in the green season. The North steps into the full summer mode with high temperature and more rainfall whilst the South is now in the middle of the wet season with daily downpours. The Central part has hit its peak temperatures in June and remains dry and bright. Here is more information about the weather in June which helps you best preparation for your holiday to Vietnam.

1. Weather of Vietnam in June.

1.1 Northern Vietnam

Popular destinations: Hanoi, Halong Bay, Cat Ba, Sapa, Ha Giang, Mu Cang Chai, Ninh Binh, Mai Chau, etc.

lotus lake in Ninh Binh

North of Vietnam possesses hot weather as well as rain in June, with temperature of 29oC on average. Full summer mode brings plenty of sunshine. In the mountains to the north, it is wet so trekking is unadvisable as it can be hazardous. However, if that is still on your itinerary, please bring appropriate footwear and outer layers so the rain cannot deter you from enjoying your trip.

1.2 Central Vietnam

Popular destinations: Hoian, Danang, Hue, Nha Trang, Quy Nhon, Dalat, etc.

Biking in Hue city

June in Central Vietnam keeps dry, sunny days and blue skies. At average temperature of 31oC, the beaches of Danang, Hoian, Nha Trang are perfect for those who love beach relaxing and water activities. Hue is still nice destination with good weather, while there is increase of the rainfall in the Central Highlands and Dalat.

1.3 Southern Vietnam

Popular destinations: Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet & Mui Ne, Mekong Delta, Long Hai & Ho Tram, Con Dao & Phu Quoc, etc.

white sand dunes in Mui Ne

The southern Vietnam is now firmly into its wet season. Although the showers will be slightly heavier than in previous months, you can still expect plenty of dry, bright daylight hours and the average temperature remains at 28oC. Bring an umbrella or raincoat with you to avoid getting wet will be a smart choice. June also marks the start of Green Turtle nesting season on the beaches of Con Dao island.

2. Travel Guide for June.

If you plan a visit to Vietnam in June, it is better to stick to the North and the Center lands for better weather. The terraced rice fields in the North are at their most beautiful with lushly green and brilliant yellow-gold of a new rice crop, and the most photogenic places include Sapa, Mu Cang Chai, Pu Luong, Tam Coc, etc.

Coming to Thai Nguyen to visit Tan Cuong tea hills which is one of the highlights of this region. Not only enjoying the fresh air, a cool green tea hill, the easy way to go, visitors can also buy Thai Nguyen standard tea to marinate lotus – a great gift of the summer.

Vietnam Tea - Vietnamese tea - VietnamTravel.Com

Vietnam Tea – Vietnamese tea

Bac Giang is now in ripe fruit season with famous gift of the province – Luc Ngan’s  ‘Thieu” lychee. Visiting “Thieu” lychee garden to check in and enjoy one of Vietnam’s best lychees right at the garden is a memorable experience of many visitors.

Don’t miss Moc Chau (Son La) when ripe plum season is in right time.

Head to the beaches of Hoian, Danang, Lang Co, Nha Trang as the Central coast is still at its best.

As Hue is also enjoying good weather, it is fantastic to throw a little cultural exploration into the mix. Don’t fail to join Hoian Lantern festival if you come in Full moon lunar day.

June marks the start of Green turtle nesting season on the white sandy beaches of the Con Dao Island (peaking between June and September). It will require your much patience and good fortune to see the turtles which can come ashore as late as 2 or 3am.

In June, you should wear some thin and breathable clothes like T-shirt, cotton and linen shirt and thin sneakers. Take a thin coat with you in case of the temperature drops during the nighttime, especially in mountainous areas and the Central highlands. It is also necessary to protect yourself from the sunlight with sunscreen, sunhat or parasol. Don’t forget the raingears for this rainy season in Vietnam. Mosquitoes are also at their peak so insect repellent is good preparation in this case.

Early June is a relatively uncrowded time. However, by mid-June, the summer high season comes when Vietnamese domestic families plan their vacations from schools break. It is better for you to book your reservations early to beat the rush and prices can be at a premium in summer, especially when your stay falls into weekends.

3. June Events.

3.1 International Children Day (1 Jun)

International Children Day

Different from Universal Children’s Day (20 Nov), the International Children’s Day is annually celebrated on June 1. Although being widely celebrated, this day is not public holiday in many countries. Back to 1925 for the origin of this holiday when the first “World Conference for the Well-being of Children” was taken place in Geneva, Switzerland. After that, a day as Children’s Day was designated to highlight children’s issues. Regardless of race, sex, color, religion and social origin, the children have the right to affection, love, adequate food, medical and education care as well as protection against all forms of exploitation.

3.2 Celebration day to President Ho Chi Minh who left to find the way to save the country (5 Jun).

Celebration day to President Ho Chi Minh who left to find the way to save the country (5 Jun)

5 Jun is the annual anniversary in Vietnam, recording the event that Ho Chi Minh (named Nguyen Tat Thanh, at his age of 21 by that time) left Nha Rong Wharf, boarding on the French ship – Admiral Latouche Treville as Van Ba ​​or Mr. Ba for a 30-year journey around the world. There will be a yearly celebration with many activities to mark this event.

3.3 Family Day celebration (28 Jun)

Family Day celebration

The Vietnamese Family Day is an annual celebration, which falls on June 28 in Vietnam, focusing on promoting good interaction among family members. Although it is not a public holiday in Vietnam, if falling on weekends, many families across the country will take this chance to reunite, throw a feast, and embrace the values of family bonds.

3.4 My Long Sea Worship Festival (Tra Vinh)

My Long Sea Worship Festival (Tra Vinh)

Celebrated on every 10 May of the lunar calendar (May or June – varying by year), Tra Vinh organizes Nghinh Ong – My Long Sea Worship festival where a world of lively boat parades and whale ceremonies at My Long town. This has been a longstanding tradition of seafarers in the south of Vietnam which bring belief that whales are the keepers of the sea, the guardians of sailors and fisherman alike.

3.5 Buffalo Fighting Festival in Phu Ninh (Phu Tho)

Buffalo Fighting Festival in Phu Ninh (Phu Tho)

The festival is held on the occasion of the Nanh Market on the 5th of the 5th lunar month. This is a typical folk festival activity of wet rice growing midland village which has been formed in the history of building and defending the country and keep remains until today. The buffalo fighting festival is held to joyfully welcome a successful crop, a good harvest, and a full life after a period of hard work. It is an occasion to express gratitude to heaven and earth for good rain and wind through the killing of buffalo as sacrifice. At the same time, it brings opportunity to organize meals and fun shows, creating a stronger community cohesion.

Please check information about Vietnam weather in other months of year at here:

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