Hoang Anh Gia Lai Hotel

- Address
- 01 Phu Dong, Pleiku, Pleiku (Gia Lai), Vietnam agoda
- Star
- 4
- Number Phone
- 0984642230
- Webiste
- http://www.hagl.com.vn/
The passionate lyrics of musician Nguyen Cuong touched the hearts of tourists from far away to visit the beautiful Central Highlands city.
Legendary Pleiku, foggy, romantic Pleiku, with four seasons: Spring – Summer – Autumn – Winter in a day, only “here in the afternoon all year round …” Pleiku with unsteady slopes winding around the city The city … is as beautiful as a picture that captivates the hearts of people.
Pleiku – a mysterious and attractive destination for tourists – with colorful folk festivals such as gong festival, buffalo-stabbing ceremony, pa thi ceremony … and famous landmarks such as Bien Ho, Yaly Hydropower …
Established and officially put into operation in December 2005, Hoang Anh Gia Lai Hotel is located at Phu Dong Square – Pleiku City Center. The first 4-star hotel in the Central Highlands region contributes to beautify Pleiku city with a modern and majestic beauty.
Please come to our beloved Que Huong Gia Lai to explore and enjoy great relaxation at Hoang Anh Gia Lai hotel with friendly and hospitable service style of professional staff. .