Ben Tre Riverside Resort

Ben Tre Riverside Resort


708 Nguyen Van Tu, Ben Tre, Vietnam
Number Phone
0275 3545 454

Ben Tre Riverside Resort is the first 4-star resort in Ben Tre province, built on the old ground of Ham Luong ferry. With beautiful nature, unique landscape, fresh climate, visitors will feel the peaceful space of the river countryside, welcome the dawn under the green coconut leaves, and enjoy the cool breeze. from Ham Luong river to Ben Tre Riverside Resort.

The natural landscape of Ben Tre Riverside Resort is meticulously embellished, ingeniously, creating a distinctive character without losing harmony and nature. Visitors can fully enjoy the romantic, meaningful, harmonious resort space but equally luxurious, comfortable and modern.

Love bridge is an impressive feature of Ben Tre Riverside Resort. Visitors can see a familiar image like standing at Southsan Namsan Tower. A moment of sublimation of love with the couple writing vows and locking the lock on the bridge.

Ben Tre Riverside Resort fully exploits the peaceful, green space of Ben Tre homeland. Visitors will sip Cafe river view, admire the poetic beauty of the entire Ham Luong river at sunset from the roof top, a romantic and peaceful scene of the peaceful western country.

Coming to Ben Tre Riverside Resort, visitors will enjoy attractive Asian and European-style dishes. Especially the local specialties imbued with the style of the home town of Ben Tre.

Ben Tre Riverside Resort is an ideal resort for nature lovers, river lovers and the peaceful people of the land and people in the South West.


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