Azure Sapa Hotel

Azure Sapa Hotel


No 043 Phanxipang Street, Sapa Town, Lao Cai Province, Vietnam
Number Phone
097 946 55 55

We even could not believe to see Azure Sapa Hotel rose as today. Breaking ceremony was in late 2016, the best architect committed us for a best property reached up to 4-star standard. Azure Sapa Hotel & its sister dorm at the same building (basement areas) must wear all the aspects, cultures, characteristics of the foggy land, Sapa. Azure Sapa is very convenient & unique for its outlets, interiors & basements which will be busy at all time.

Originally a hilltop retreat for French colonialists escaping the heat and humidity of the plains, Sapa is an area of absolutely outstanding natural beauty. Extremely mountainous and truly dramatic, with endless peaks appearing out of the mist and steep green rice terraces that were carved out of the hillsides centuries ago. Home to many of Vietnam’s minority populations, the countryside is dotted with friendly villages where many of the locals still wear traditional dress.


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